Notice Regarding Payment Processing Vendor Change

April 7, 2021 4:05 pm

As part of our transition to our new policy system, we have switched our payment processing vendor to One, Inc.. As a result of the transition, current policyholders’ enrolled in automatic payments utilizing their credit and/or debit card will be required to reenroll their policy with One, Inc. Policyholders’ can enroll in automatic payments with One, Inc., utilizing the “Make a Payment” button above. You will need to enter your policy number and zip code, then click “Enroll in AutoPay”. Please note that One, Inc., charges a processing charge of 3.50% for all credit/debit card transactions. Automatic payments utilizing banking accounts do not incur processing charges. Enrollment for automatic payments for banking accounts can also be done utilizing the “Make a Payment” button.

  1. Go to and click:

2. Enter Policy Number and Zip Code:

3. Click “Enroll in AutoPay”

4. Choose autopayment method and enter required information: